Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Jackson's Update

Ok, my first post was too fun and too easy and Savannah is still cooperating, so I'll post again. I will give an update on the kids, starting with Jackson. Last week Jackson received his Arrow of Light at Cub Scouts Pack Meeting and had his crossing over ceremony to 11-year old Scouts. We are very proud of him, but I will always remember the ceremony because Jackson was chomping on gum the whole time. Jackson also graduated from DARE (drug abuse resistance education) at school. He is in 5th grade this year and is the Student Council President, so he had to open the graduation ceremony and introduce the DARE police officer. I made a deal to pay him $10 if he would memorize his speech. Bribery worked this time and Jackson did a great job!

Jason took Jackson and Justin to the Las Vegas Bowl on Dec. 22nd. BYU vs. UCLA. Grandpa Downey was in town to go and our friends from UCLA, Mark Crane and his son Joshua, flew in from Colorado to see the game. It was a fun game and BYU won by blocking UCLA's field goal in the last three seconds. Jason watched the game again last night on the DVR, I guess he was afraid he missed something the first time. At least he fast forwarded inbetween the plays!

Jackson is learning a Jon Schmidt song on the piano (Pachabel Meets U2). Our family loves his piano music, and I love him for inspiring little boys to practice the piano. I will post his website at the bottom of our blog. Our favorite songs are Waterfall, Pachabel Meets U2, and All of Me. Savannah is crying, got to go....

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