Monday, February 23, 2009

Static Electricity

We took these funny pictures of Savannah while she was on the trampoline. Her hair was full of static electricity and if we held out a finger, she would come shock us, until a couple of the shocks were so big that it hurt her and then she refused to come near any of us!

I remembered I also had this picture of Jared on the trampoline, but short hair just doesn't get as wild!


Jen said...

Poor kid. I HATE when my hair is full of static!

Meagan said...

Haha, awesome. Audrey's hair is so fine it looks like that at least half the time.

Alan and Kiersten said...

LOL that's so awesome! i love it!

Mark and Maria said...

Those are great pictures!

Jim and Theresa said...

Hi Downey Family,
I love your website/blog! Finally had to check it out. Awesome photos and comments. Savannah is just so adorable, the boys know their cute too:)
love, Jim and Theresa

Craig and Krista said...

I was having a similar hair day yesterday! It was fun to catch up by reading your blog--love the pictures!