Friday, May 30, 2008

Savannah Is Crawling!

Savannah started crawling last night (she is 9 1/2 months old). Everyone is so excited, but I know how much work crawling babies are! She is also our vampire baby. She got her two bottom middle teeth, and then her two top lateral incisors (you'll have to look close to see her vampire teeth).

Savannah has been the hardest baby to feed baby food. She does not like it! We have to wait until she wails and then hurry and stick the spoon in her mouth. We put on quite the circus act every night to try to get her to eat!

Here is a video of Savannah crawling:


Mark and Maria said...

Janae!!! That is such a cute video of Savannah crawling!! She is so cute! I'm sure it will be a little more work with her crawling, but also nice for her to have some freedom to get to toys, etc. It won't be long until she is walking!! :)

Alan and Kiersten said...

look at her! that is awesome! she is just zooming along! she's so cute! thanks for letting us know about grandma downey...we just got the email that it could be just a matter of days. alan might try to get down there for a funeral but we'll have to see. i love seeing pictures of your family! we can't wait for the family vacation!

Brigit said...

I can't believe it! I'm jealous in a small way. Paige is getting close, but I don't know if I'm ready for a crawling baby. The video is Priceless. You're such an awesome mom.

Kristi said...

Hi Janae! It is Kristi Kunz from the UCLA ward. Long time eh? I got your address from Jennie Youngquist. Your family is adorable!! Those black and white pictures of the kids are amazing. Did you take those? I have enjoyed reading up on what you guys have been up to. The Iron Girl? Oh. My. Word. Girl! I can't even imagine ever wanting to do that. You are awesome. We have a blog site too if you ever want to check it out. Have a great day!

Kristi said...

I have to say that I LOVE to watch babies crawl. They are so stinkin cute. My Jonathan was born in June...he'll be 1 year old on Wednesday. Wow..time has flown by. Our babies are only a couple of months apart. He is almost ready to walk. He is cruising along the furniture and standing up on everything. I am content for him to stay in the "crawling" stage for a lot longer. We shall see. David Fife is your bishop? Wow! Do you have their email address? I would love to drop them a note. My email is

We can do hard things! said...

Hey, how are you? Shay was a vampire baby as well! It is so funny when that happens. Crawling time flies by! Are you guys going to Utah this summer? If so, then we will try to visit when you do. If not, then I guess we will see you at Thanksgiving? Hope you are all well. Chelesta